who make
your clothes
to live on?
Find out which apparel and footwear brands pay their workers a Living Wage.
Brand (brands owned) | Headquarters |
a living wage
80% of garment workers are women. They are routinely paid less than their male counterparts. Gender inequality is deeply rooted in the industry's power imbalance, and gendered pay has a direct link to verbal, physical and sexual assault.
Read more about GenderBrands have profited from poverty wages for decades, leaving garment workers with no security through uncertain times. The COVID-19 crisis showcased the social and economic inequality of the industry, particularly affecting the millions locked in jobs without legal protections.
Our DemandsYour voice has power
Your support makes our work possible. It's time brands take responsibility for the lives of the people who make our clothes. As consumers, we have power. When we speak, brands listen. Ask brands to pay a #LivingWageNow to ensure your clothes are no longer made with exploitation.
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